BlogHer, the day before

July 29, 2005 at 20:12

Jill Fallon

After flying cross country yesterday, I’m now in Santa Clara for the BlogHer convention.  The  schedule shows who’s blogging and when.  We’re even working through lunch.

It’s the day before the Big Day and I’ll be liveblogging two sessions, the one on Politics and the other on Dollars and Sense, most likely at my corporate blog, Estate Legacy Vaults since they seem to have more to do with business. All the other stuff, I’ll put in here.  You can go to Flick’r or technorati and search for the tags, BlogHer and bloghercon to see what everyone is saying.

Since I had to leave at 4 am, I wasn’t able to post the link to my newest entry on the Third Age Blog. 

It’s called When Good Enough is Good Enough about being broken, grace, Liv Ullman’s face, and letting your light shine through.

Last night, I had the pleasure of finally meeting Evelyn Rodriguez and catching up again with Yvonne DiVita and Maryanne Mazurek.  We had a grand time in Los Gatos at the Taj Mahal of brew pubs drinking beer and eating fried green tomatoes.

You know Yvonne from Lipsticking, Marketing to Women Online.  You may not know Maryanne who says she’s still hasn’t found her true blog voice even though she blogs at Powdering Our Noses.

It was great to hear more from Yvonne and her sister Maryanne Mazurek about their new business, Windsor Media Enterprises and their print- on- demand publishing and marketing services.  It’s authors helping authors with an accompanying AHA blog for all those who aspire to see their words in print. 

Evelyn who wanted us to see some of the California country she clearly loves drove us to Los Gatos.  Her Crossroads Dispatches has long been one of my favorite blogs.  She’ll be a panelist and, though she says she’ll just be speaking extemporaneously, is clearly prepared to speak in the Mother Tongue which she likens to the marriage of public discourse and private experience.  She quotes from Ursula Le Guin, always in inspiration of original thought.

The mother tongue, spoken or written, expects an answer. It is conversation, a word the root of which means “turning together.” The mother tongue is language not as mere communication but as relation, relationship. It connects. It goes two ways, many ways, an exchange, a network.

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