
Category Archives: Business of Life™

The Warmth of a Mother’s Skin

December 10, 2007 at 09:15

Jill Fallon


This is a wonderful story. Doctors gave up my 20oz baby for dead…but I saved her life with a cuddle. She said: “I didn’t want her to die being cold. So I lifted her out of her blanket and put her against my skin to warm her up. Her feet were so cold. “It was […]

Nobel Prize winner on blogging

December 10, 2007 at 09:08

Jill Fallon


Doris Lessing’s Nobel Lecture On not winning the Nobel Prize What has happened to us is an amazing invention, computers and the internet and TV, a revolution. This is not the first revolution we, the human race, has dealt with. The printing revolution, which did not take place in a matter of a few decades, […]

Tracking Service to Monitor Children

December 6, 2007 at 11:11

Jill Fallon


Sprint now offers a Family Locator service that for $9.99 a month that lets parents know just where their child is so long as the cell phone is on. For Parents, a service that can offer peace of mind. Verizon has a service called Chaperone that allows parents to set boundaries and if a child […]

The Best Things in Life Are Free, Really

December 6, 2007 at 07:23

Jill Fallon


A bar of chocolate, a long soak in the bath, a snooze in the middle of the afternoon, a leisurely stroll in the park. These are the things that make us the most happy, according to new research from The University of Nottingham. Happiness Comes Cheap — Even for Millionaires

A Fluke …or the Future?

December 5, 2007 at 21:30

Jill Fallon


” It’s like you take your base line [which is] fear, and you throw some self-doubt on top of that, and then you throw some desperation on top of that, and, before you know it, you got a seven-layer burrito going there.  I mean I can feel every one of them. I don’t know how […]

The full granaries of the past

December 5, 2007 at 10:18

Jill Fallon


From Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning “Man’s Search for Meaning” (Viktor E. Frankl) There is no reason to pity old people.  Instead, young people should envy them.  It is true that the old have no opportunities, no possibilities in the future.  But they have more than that.  Instead of possibilities in the future, they […]

“Exercise” Gene Found

December 5, 2007 at 08:10

Jill Fallon


The reason why exercise alleviates depression is because of an exercise-related gene in the brain called VGF. Now that scientists have isolated that gene in mice, look for powerful new anti-depressants that work right away. Newly-identified Exercise Gene Could Help with Depression.

Il faut souffrir pour etre belle

December 4, 2007 at 22:35

Jill Fallon


It’s necessary to suffer to be beautiful. Now a man lives to tell what women already know.  It’s laugh-out-loud funny. Christopher Hitchens On the Limits of Self-Improvement that involve wraps, Brazilian waxes and veneers. Part One Part Two

The Fever Effect

December 4, 2007 at 21:23

Jill Fallon


More than 80% of autistic children with a fever show some improvements in behavior and 40% had dramatic improvements. Fever can unlock autism’s grip The change involved things like longer concentration spans, more talking, improved eye contact and better overall relations with adults and other children. Zimmerman’s team said the fever effect had been noted […]

Turning Beds to Mecca in England

December 4, 2007 at 21:14

Jill Fallon


It’s hard to believe some of these stories out of England and its National Health Service. Nurses Told to Turn Muslims’ Beds to Mecca OVERWORKED nurses have been ordered to stop all medical work five times every day to move Muslim patients’ beds so they face towards Mecca. The lengthy procedure, which also includes providing […]