
Category Archives: Brave New World

How Are You Fixed for Spit?

November 27, 2007 at 11:44

Jill Fallon


[Author's note. For some reason, this entry can't be published using ECTO, so I'm recreating the post on the Moveable Type interface which is a horror to use. I can't use color, upload the wonderful image I have, see the entire entry or make easy corrections. No wonder so many people are moving over to [...]

Felony Doctor

July 31, 2007 at 08:41

Jill Fallon


I predict this won’t be the first.  A doctor with the power of life and death, prescribe the latter Surgeon charged with trying to hasten patient’s death A San Francisco transplant surgeon was criminally charged Monday with excessively prescribing drugs to a 25-year-old disabled man last year to hasten his death and harvest his organs [...]

Good news from GM goats

July 26, 2007 at 07:30

Jill Fallon


Using biotechnology, scientists have genetically modified goats to produce milk containing chemicals that protect against deadly nerve agents such as sarin and VX. Goats make milk to protect from nerve gas. If the work is successful the drug could be used to protect troops against exposure to nerve agents on battlefields, or stockpiled for use [...]

When Boys are Forced to Wear Dresses

May 31, 2007 at 12:50

Jill Fallon


Sweden has long been ahead of other countries in exploring new ways to insure diversity, support multiculturalism and gender equality with such vigor that British historian called them The New Totalitarians. So maybe it’s not surprising that young boys in pre-school and kindergarten are sometimes forced to wear dresses and use girls’ names. The noted [...]

Baby Frankensteins

May 19, 2007 at 09:36

Jill Fallon


Chimera is the word to describe a being made of the parts of multiple animals, Frankenstein seems to come closer to describe this bastard procedure.  Of course, Frankenstein was the creator, the creature he made he described as ‘fiend’, ‘wretched devil’, ‘vile insect’ and ‘abhorred monster.’

Bachelor Hordes, Bare Branches in China

April 29, 2007 at 08:35

Jill Fallon


– Many experts predict that the growing surplus of unmarried men will cause an increase in violence, rape, prostitution, crime and the illegal trafficking of women.  “The large number of unmarried men will disrupt the normal continuity of human reproduction,” said Zhan Changzhi, a sociologist at Hainan University, in an interview with a Chinese newspaper.

When a bad hair day can land you in jail

April 27, 2007 at 10:25

Jill Fallon


Gateway Pundit has posted a shocking video of such a woman pulled off the streets and into a police car. She didn’t go without fighting back.  Some 150,000 women have already been arrested or detained because they haven’t complied with the strict, new Islamic dress codes.

All female conception

April 13, 2007 at 18:08

Jill Fallon


The prospect of all-female conception The results also raise the prospect of being able to take bone-marrow tissue from women and coaxing the stem cells within the female tissue to develop into sperm cell,..  Creating sperm from women would mean they would only be able to produce daughters because the Y chromosome of male sperm would still be needed to produce sons…

Another twist on alimony

March 29, 2007 at 08:11

Jill Fallon


Ex-wife becomes a man; ex-husband seeks to end alimony.  I’m betting the ex-wife will win.

Lawsuit against clinic that used wrong sperm

March 22, 2007 at 22:59

Jill Fallon


– The judge quoted the couple as saying that after their daughter, Jessica, was born Oct. 19, 2004, they knew something was wrong because of her physical appearance.  They say that “while we love Baby Jessica as our own, we are reminded of this terrible mistake each and every time we look at her; it is simply impossible to ignore,” the judge’s decision said.