Category Archives: Career
I’ve never liked the way Hollywood and the mainstream media depicts the world of business as if everyone in business were greedy, arrogant and corrupt. So, I was happy to learn about a new documentary entitled The Call of the Entrepreneur that follows the stories of three entrepreneurs, a farmer, a merchant banker and a [...]
Misbegotten since its conception, the Times Select wall is coming down and I’m delighted because I’ll get to read David Brooks regularly. I only happened upon Truck Stop Confidential because the Independent Women’s Forum reprinted long excerpts. “He has one of those hard jobs, like mining and steel-working, that comes with its own masculine mythology [...]
The most prestigious job in America is that of firefighter. 61% of those interviewed by Harris surveys said that job had very great prestige. Coming close were scientists (54%), teachers (54%); doctors (52%), military officers (52%) and nurses. The least prestigious are real estate brokers (5%), actors (9%), bankers (10%), accountants (11%), entertainers (12%), stockbrokers [...]
Careerbuilder calls them jobs with staying power, the top indestructible careers. Doctor Teacher Mortician Waste Disposal Manager Scientist Tax Collector Barber Soldier Religious Leader Law Enforcement Officer Farmer
Don’t you love it when economists start putting numbers on intangibles?
Who knew that our first president, George Washington, after retiring from office began another career as a whiskey entrepreneur and became probably the No…. Esther White, a Mount Vernon archaeologist, told me Washington once lost a 1755 campaign for the Virginia House of Delegates because he didn’t treat prospective supporters to a drink.
This seems to tie in with Purposive Drift: Making it Up as We Go Along by Richard Oliver at Change This Your life is not a project plan…. He says we are all more ignorant than we know and smarter than we think and believes our real compass point is our sense of well-being.
For professional women who have dropped out of the workforce to take care of children or an elderly parent , the Wharton School and UBS have teamed up to design a program just for them…. Career Comeback – a program to be praised and copied.
When other people give you a compliment, ask them to repeat it to your boss…. What new skill can you learn this year that will help out your boss and company.
Sue Shellenberger is following three trends she says are gaining momentum, just in time to counter the discontented more people feel with their work-life balance Reasons to Hold Out Hope for Balancing Work and Home (Wall St Journal subscription only…. Marguerite McCullough, 67, who lives alone in a Florida retirement community, had QuietCare installed after she spent five hours one night alone and helpless in her bathroom, disabled by a bad case of stomach flu.