Category Archives: Culture and Society
Doris Lessing’s Nobel Lecture On not winning the Nobel Prize What has happened to us is an amazing invention, computers and the internet and TV, a revolution. This is not the first revolution we, the human race, has dealt with. The printing revolution, which did not take place in a matter of a few decades, [...]
Crime has plummeted and is now at its lowest levels since 1977. Teen-age drug use down 23%. Welfare has declined over 60% since 1994 along with overall poverty, child poverty and child hunger. 300,000 fewer abortions each year since the high of 1.6 million in 1990. Divorce rate at its lowest level since 1970. Educational [...]
Dennis Prager says we live in an age of group apologies, so he’s going to get with the program. His is better than most. Baby Boomers Own America’s Young People an Apology We baby boomers were allowed perhaps the most innocent childhoods known to history. We grew up without material want, in one of the [...]
A Spanish-speaking public school teacher on why bi-lingual education is not good for Hispanics. It turns out that English immersion, which was mandated in California by Proposition 227, does not irreparably harm immigrant children. In the long run, it improves their confidence and ability to succeed academically. Some argue that bilingual education is just as [...]
How do you feel about an organization that gets mountains of taxpayer funds ($3.9 billion since 1987) and is found to have shielded child rapists and predators? Jennifer Giroux finds Planned Parenthood in a ‘Tangled Web’, Aborting the Truth. So much for protecting young women and giving them a chance at a decent future.
Just where do the laws of gravity and physics come from? Paul Davies on Taking Science on Faith science has its own faith-based belief system. All science proceeds on the assumption that nature is ordered in a rational and intelligible way. You couldn’t be a scientist if you thought the universe was a meaningless jumble [...]
This is wonderful news. New technology not only saves us from the moral abyss of commoditizing human life and promises us an easier, cheaper way to save levels through the reprogramming of mature human cells. Researchers Create Stem Cells Without Destroying Embryos. Two separate teams of researchers say they have sidestepped the cloning method and [...]
It was Miss Kelly who tipped me to “Thanksgiving First”. And I could not agree with her more. Suldog is leading the way with Thanksgiving Comes First urging letters and boycotts of stores saying that we’ve had enough. I’m a Christian, so I have more than an annoyance factor at work here. I think that [...]
I was in Miami for the Republican convention and later in Chicago for the Democrat convention, and a year later, I was at Woodstock, all stories for another day. 1968 was war, race riots, assassinations. I lived through 1968 and I never want to go back there again which is why I turn away from [...]
Not only were some of them pale-skinned and red-headed but females hunted the big beasts alongside the men. Of course, they were doomed, the Stone Age Feminists. You don’t put women of fertile age in a position of being easily killed if you want your race of Neanderthals to survive. The University of Arizona’s Steven [...]