Category Archives: Integrating Mind, Body, Spirit
” It’s like you take your base line [which is] fear, and you throw some self-doubt on top of that, and then you throw some desperation on top of that, and, before you know it, you got a seven-layer burrito going there. I mean I can feel every one of them. I don’t know how [...]
We are designed to be sad when faced with a loss whether it be a romance, a parent, a job or a dog. Being sad is not a chemical disorder that needs treatment with powerful drugs. But the wide availability of anti-depressant drugs and the easy access to them has confused the distinction between normal [...]
David Warren quit school at 16 and hit the road. In retrospect, it was the best personal decision I ever made, and I recommend it wholeheartedly to the young of today; at least, to those whose minds are not already imprisoned. Get out of that education “system” while you still can, and before it has [...]
So what is sleep for? More and more, it looks like memory and learning. And naps have the same effect! the new research underscores a vast transformation in the way scientists have come to understand the sleeping brain. Once seen as a blank screen, a metaphor for death, it has emerged as an active, purposeful [...]
Being conscientious apparently dramatically lowers your risk for Alzheimer’s, showing again the power of the mind over the body, in this case the brain. A surprising study of elderly people suggests that those who see themselves as self-disciplined, organized achievers have a lower risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease than people who are less conscientious. Astoundingly, [...]
Some of the most interesting articles published are not accessible to the average reader, hidden behind the subscriber walls of very expensive trade journals. In the Washington Post, Shankar Vendatam writes about one such study – Is Great Happiness Too Much of a Good Thing? But according to the new study, led by University of [...]
LifeTwo, a new site about midlife improvement, is getting happy this week with a series of articles and exercises over seven days on how to become happier. So even if you think you are already happy, if you do the exercises over seven days, you can get even happier quickly. Wesley Hein is basing [...]
Kevin Kelly writes about My Life Countdown I am now 55 years old. Like a lot of people in middle age my late-night thoughts bend to contemplations about how short my remaining time is. Even with increasing longevity there is not enough time to do all that I want. Nowhere close. – Another friend, a [...]
I’ve never liked the way Hollywood and the mainstream media depicts the world of business as if everyone in business were greedy, arrogant and corrupt. So, I was happy to learn about a new documentary entitled The Call of the Entrepreneur that follows the stories of three entrepreneurs, a farmer, a merchant banker and a [...]
An expanding body of research is showing that exercise can create a stronger, faster brain reports the New York Times in Lobes of Steel. scientists have been finding more evidence that the human brain is not only capable of renewing itself but that exercise speeds the process. Other factors contributing to neurogenesis, the creation of [...]