Category Archives: Meaning, Passion and Purpose
Why didn’t someone think of this before? Lights on walkers may cut falls Forget driving in the dark — sometimes it’s dangerous just walking in the dark. As the population ages, medical teams are responding to more calls from people who have fallen in the night. Many are from older adults who toppled over their [...]
Garrett Lisi, 39, has a doctorate, but doesn’t teach because he spends most of his time in Hawaii surfing and in the winter snowboarding near Lake Tahoe. He is also a physicist who has spent some time working out the complexities of the intricate, elegant shape pictured above. It’s called an E8, a complex, [...]
Blind since he was six with only partial sight before that, James Elleyby met his wife at a school for the blind, has two young children both blind but never gave up on trying to regain his sight. Six corneal transplants had failed when he and a sighted friend googled for doctors and came up [...]
A wonderful story about the twin who desire for life was so great, he survived several attempts on his life while still in the womb. We’re twinseparable! Happy with his brother, the boy who refused to die.
They diagnosed him with leukemia and told him he had nine months to live. John Kanzlus, weakened by his chemotherapy treatments, drew on his lifetime of working with radio waves to devise a machine that targets cancer cells. The miracle: It works. Kanzlus got his hands on come nanoparticles from another cancer patient, Nobel Prize [...]
Civic Ventures, a think tank founded in the late 1990s is “reframing the debate about aging in America and redefining the second half of life as a source of social and individual renewal” It’s about “helping society achieve the greatest return on experience.” They begun a number of programs including the Experience Corps, a national [...]
The maxim “Bad money drives out good money”, otherwise known as Gresham’s Law, stands for the concept that when spending money, if both good money (higher in silver or gold content) and bad money (lesser in intrinsic value) are exchanged at the same price people will hand over the ‘bad’ coins rather than the ‘good’ [...]
Professor Randy Pausch’s last lecture struck a chord among millions of people. The Wall St. Journal reports on What It Meant for Readers. After he spoke, his only plans were to quietly spend whatever time he has left with his wife and three young children. He never imagined the whirlwind that would envelop him. As [...]
With a sister whose brain has been damaged by encephalitis leaving her without a short term memory, I was especially interested in this piece by Oliver Sachs in The New Yorker, A Neurologist’s Notebook: The Abyss Clive Wearing, an eminent British musicologist, struck with encephalitis, loses his ability to preserve new memories as well as [...]
Gregg Easterbrook calls him the Greatest Living American. A recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, he was just awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. According to the Wall St Journal, he may have saved one billion lives. Do you know who he is? A plant breeder, Norman Borlaug developed high-yield wheat strains and took [...]