
Category Archives: Organizing and Practical Tips

Walker Headlights

November 29, 2007 at 20:41

Jill Fallon


Why didn’t someone think of this before? Lights on walkers may cut falls Forget driving in the dark — sometimes it’s dangerous just walking in the dark. As the population ages, medical teams are responding to more calls from people who have fallen in the night. Many are from older adults who toppled over their [...]

Greatest moments in food history

November 20, 2007 at 10:37

Jill Fallon


Dr. Helen gives some good advice for those for whom going home for the holidays is a bit of hell what with heated political discussions and what all. May I add that you might argue over the Greatest moments in food history instead for a lot less heat and a lot more fun. Hat tip  [...]

Nosebleeds, car keys and Vicks

October 16, 2007 at 13:30

Jill Fallon


If you are troubled in dry weather with a sudden nosebleed, a bunch of cold car keys down the back of your neck seems to cure them instantly. Slipping a bar of soap between the sheets often works on leg cramps.  Ivory soap is best. Dark chocolate may lower blood pressure better than green tea, [...]

Must Have Man Skills

September 12, 2007 at 15:29

Jill Fallon


Via Instapundit comes the list of 25 Skills Every Man Should Know. 1. Patch a radiator hose 2. Protect your computer 3. Rescue a boater who as capsized 4. Frame a wall 5. Retouch digital photos 6. Back up a trailer 7. Build a campfire 8. Fix a dead outlet 9. Navigate with a map [...]

Unsnarling Medical Bills

September 7, 2007 at 09:09

Jill Fallon


Services Help Unsnarl Medical Bills,  Wall St Journal (link for subscribers only) If you have a lot of medical bills and can’t make sense of the explanation of benefit statements,  there are now web-based services and tools that can help unsnarl those medical bills, get you organized and give you a single summary of all [...]

Have You Ever Checked Your Medical Records?

September 4, 2007 at 16:47

Jill Fallon


You already know that you should check your credit score at least once a year so that you can correct mistakes.  What you probably didn’t know is that your medical records could contain errors that should be corrected.    Incorrect medical information can lead to ineffective or harmful treatment and affect your insurability The Wall [...]

Time Lost on the Web

August 16, 2007 at 08:21

Jill Fallon


I sometime spend so much time on the web that I get nothing done during the day. If you’re like me, this might help  The 20 Biggest Online Time Wasters and 6 Strategies for Beating Them

How to be organized after a car accident

August 10, 2007 at 11:00

Jill Fallon


Here’s a good tip from the Unclutterer on how to be organized after an auto accident. All you have to do is download a worksheet to keep in the glove compartment of your car along with your insurance card and registration.

“Don’t Break the Chain”

July 31, 2007 at 10:51

Jill Fallon


Jerry Seinfield’s advice He told me to get a big wall calendar that has a whole year on one page and hang it on a prominent wall. The next step was to get a big red magic marker. He said for each day that I do my task of writing, I get to put a [...]

Inherited stuff

July 13, 2007 at 09:36

Jill Fallon


One of my new favorite blogs is the Unclutterer which is beginning a new series on handling inherited clutter. How do you unclutter a person’s things after they die? My grandfather died this weekend, and we dread the idea of going through all his things—not just emotionally and psychologically, but from a logistical standpoint. How [...]