Category Archives: The Sexes
Not only were some of them pale-skinned and red-headed but females hunted the big beasts alongside the men. Of course, they were doomed, the Stone Age Feminists. You don’t put women of fertile age in a position of being easily killed if you want your race of Neanderthals to survive. The University of Arizona’s Steven [...]
Young single girls rule in The New Girl Order writes Kay Hymowitz in City Journal. The Carrie Bradshaw lifestyle is showing up in unexpected places, with unintended consequences. Sex and the City has gone global; the SYF world is now flat. Is this just the latest example of American cultural imperialism? Or is it the [...]
Culture exploits men. How could that possibly be? Roy Baumeister was invited to address to the American Psychological Association. His speech Is There Anything Good About Men? is the best writing and thinking I’ve seen in years on the difference between the sexes. A lot of excerpts. “How can you say culture exploits men, when [...]
Thus says a new study from the Australian Institute of Family Studies that says Cohabiting couples destined for singledom.
Via Instapundit comes the list of 25 Skills Every Man Should Know. 1. Patch a radiator hose 2. Protect your computer 3. Rescue a boater who as capsized 4. Frame a wall 5. Retouch digital photos 6. Back up a trailer 7. Build a campfire 8. Fix a dead outlet 9. Navigate with a map [...]
Wendy Shalit writes Why an Observant Jew Understand Sexuality Better Than Hugh Hefner with examples based on thousands of years of lived experience.
When scientists look at “the dance of attraction, infatuation and ultimately love” using MRIs. This is your brain on love But passionate love is something far stronger than that first sizzle of chemistry. “It’s a drive to win life’s greatest prize, the right mating partner,” Fisher says. It is also, she adds, an addiction. People [...]
Is this emancipation in any way? Dr. Helen says our culture seems to be encouraging aggressive behavior in girls and women and this is the result. Nearly twice as many women as men say they perpetrated domestic violence in the past year. Yet all the domestic violence shelters are for women and men aren’t welcome. [...]
I didn’t know that romance novels were the single most popular genre in American publishing, 55% of all paperbacks and 39% of all fiction, generating $1.2 billion last year. Who knew that manly, responsible men really set our hearts a twitter. The bookworm does and sees political implications.
Charlotte Hays does in Paying Tribute to the Brave Men of the Titanic Come Sunday it will be ninety-five years since that great ship the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank into the icy waters of the North Atlantic. A stunning statistic from the calamity reveals the ethos of the day: While seventy-four percent of the female passengers survived, eighty percent of the men aboard the tragic luxury liner perished.